Florida typically experiences a dry season from October to sometimes as late as May. During a prolonged period of very low rainfall, trees and shrubs are stressed. Let's see how to recognize drought stress and take corrective action.
Drought stress occurs when water in the soil becomes limited and unavailable to trees and shrubs. As the soil dries, young roots can be killed, further hampering the ability of trees and shrubs to absorb water. The inability to obtain sufficient water then reduces their ability to defend against insect and disease problems.
Signs to look for are
- loss of leaves starting in the top center of canopy
- yellowing and/or browning of leaves
- wilting of leaves
- dead branch tips at the top of the tree.
Each of these indicates water not reaching the canopy and signs of a dry root system.
Fertilizer can also cause root injury when soil moisture is limited. Avoid fertilizing during a drought.
Florida Irrigation Strategy
Give priority to newly planted trees because they lack full root systems, as well as trees with damaged root systems, these are the most at risk.
Remember we want to keep the tree’s roots moist, but not wet. Saturated soil can weaken your tree’s root system. Let the top 3 or so inches of the soil dry out before considering irrigating again.
Most tree roots in mid Florida are within 2 to 4 feet of the surface. It is this area where we want to supply water. Light, frequent irrigation will not work for trees.
Water slowly so water penetrates the soil, use one or two deep watering’s every week or week and half during drought.
If you have them, soaker hoses and drip irrigation should be used because they are the most effective watering tools to discharge even streams of slow, trickling water directly to the root zone.
Water strategically. Trees absorb more water in the morning, before the warming sun causes evaporation.
Finally be sure your program complies with local water restrictions.
No matter the season, when you need help with your trees, I recommend Mid Florida Tree Service.
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