Friday, April 1, 2022

Dealing with Invasive Florida Trees

When you recognize that a tree on your property is actually an invasive species, and you decide to remove the threat, ensure it is done correctly to prevent it from re-sprouting, or getting spread to a new location.

What am I going on about?

Florida's amazing warm and humid climate is an excellent environment for many plant species. It's so amazing, that some non-native species thrive better here than in their native lands. When that non-native species becomes a problem by out-competing the locals, it takes the lable "Invasive Species". 

Florida invasive trees include  the Camphor tree, Brazilian Pepper, Chinese Tallow, Mimosa, Melaleuca (aka: Paper Tree) and many others.

The optimum time to remove invasive trees might be in the fall, when they their resources are pulled into their root system, preparing for cooler weather. 

Hire a professional Tree Service

You don't have to do this on your own! Trust a professional arborist to remove your invasive Florida trees. As always, I recommend Mid Florida Tree Service.

Cutting them down to a very low stump, then painting the open top with herbicide may facilitate the herbicide being drawn down into the roots, killing them entirely and preventing the tree from re-sprouting.

The cut debris from invasive trees must also be handled with care so that seeds are not carried away and deposited on new ground. If burning the debris onsite is an option, that may be best, but often that option is just not possible. So, careful transportation to offsite incineration or deep burial would be other options.

When you are thinking of adding trees to your property, please choose native trees that thrive, but do not pose an invasive risk to our amazing ecosystem!

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